Thomas Bouvier

28 June 2016 00:00 · 2 min

Herr Speck

Herr Speck is a small tile-based game with random world generation and a dynamic light engine.


Herr Speck is a game I started to work on when I was still in high school, back in 2013. I haven’t used any graphical library. This was my first project of this magnitude, and it has been my Java test lab for a long time. In particular, I have been using it to practise OOP concepts.

You play a character evolving in randomly generated caves, and you own a gun to defend yourself against bats. Nothing more.

This game is freely inspired by Catacomb Snatch. This article by Jens Bergensten certainly influenced me.

What I’ve done

Players love it when they get unpredictable content each time they play: that’s why I first developed a random cave generator. The algorithm I used is a cellular automaton - a grid of cells governed by certain rules, similarly to the game of life.

The transition rules can be applied multiple times. The seed, the cells frequency or the birth and death thresholds are customizable. I am also able to remove disconnected caverns and to place random entrances.

The game also supports custom tilemaps drawn using Tiled.

To select the appropriate tile from the spritesheet within generated levels, I used a technique called tile bitmasking. This ensures that the act of placing these tiles is quick and efficient. Levels contain two layers: the ground and walls.

The game handles collisions, z-ordering and contains several animations. Here is a short gameplay:


I spent entire afternoons drawing all the sprite variations. Doesn’t that remind you of Pokemon? 🙂